¿Qué es Mírame Academy?
La Academia de Formación Online de Belleza con más alumn@s de Europa y América. Mírame Academy nace de la fusión de los proyectos académicos de Mírame Lashes & Brows y Holalash, que están formando alumn@s en belleza desde 2011.
Todos los cursos tienen contenido de vídeo, documentos en pdf y evaluaciones tipo test para corroborar la adquisición de los conocimientos. Además, al final de cada curso, tras superar la tarea final se envía a la alumna el diploma de Mírame Academy.
Cursos Online
Curso Online Extensiones de Pestañas 1 a 1
El curso online incluye la opción con kit y sin kit. Aprende la técnica del tratamiento paso a paso en 14 clases en tu domicilio. Este es el curso básico inicial para convertirte en una profesional con alta demanda laboral.
Curso Online Diseño de Cejas
Introducción al tratamiento y todo lo que debes saber para convertirte en una experta del Diseño de Cejas y la Depilación con Hilo. Tras realizar el curso, recomendamos al menos 2 semanas de práctica y ya podrás empezar a atender clientas realizando el Diseño de Cejas Mírame.
Curso Online Lifting de Pestañas
Introducción al tratamiento y todo lo que debes saber para convertirte en una experta del Lifting de pestañas. Tratamiento de moda, con alta demanda, alta rentabilidad y esencial para incorporarte en el mundo laboral de la belleza.
Cursos Presenciales
Curso presencial Extensiones de Pestañas 1 a 1
Este curso va dirigido a personas que no tienen conocimiento previo, donde el único requisito indispensable será tus ganas de aprender. Apuntándote a este curso de 8 horas en el salón Mírame que desees, llévate de regalo el Kit de productos de Extensiones de Pestañas clásicas 1 a 1 Mírame..
Curso presencial Diseño de Cejas
En sólo 4 horas junto a una master Mírame, estilista en Miradas aprenderás: Introducción al tratamiento, asesoramiento y la técnica depilación más antigua y saludable. La Depilación con Hilo. Tras realizar el curso, recomendamos al menos 2 semanas de práctica y ya podrás empezar a atender clientas realizando el Diseño de Cejas Mírame.
Curso presencial Lifting de Pestañas
Si quieres convertirte en una profesional del estilismo en mirada y no sabes por dónde empezar, este es el curso que te motivará a ser parte de nuestro listado Mírame Artist. En este curso te enseñaremos el paso a paso del lifting de pestañas, aprenderás sus beneficios, cuidados y trucos Mírame para que tu lifting sea aún más especial.
Clases con vídeos, material en pdf, test y tarea final
Soporte de asesora por whatsapp si lo necesitas
Diploma Certificado Mírame Academy
En la opción con kit recíbelo en tu domicilio en 24h (España) y 10 días (resto de países)
Nuestr@s alumn@s nos valoran con una nota de 9,6 sobre 10
2.500 alumn@s formad@s.
Líderes en Europa
Clases con vídeos, material en pdf, test y tarea final
Soporte de asesora por whatsapp si lo necesitas
Diploma Certificado Mírame Academy
2.500 alumn@s formad@s.
Líderes en Europa
En la opción con kit recíbelo en tu domicilio en 24h (España) y 10 días (resto de países)
Nuestr@s alumn@s nos valoran con una nota de 9,6 sobre 10
Hemos aparecido en:
Hemos aparecido en:
Claudia Romero - CEO de Mírame Lashes & Brows.
Claudia Romero es la CEO de Mírame Lashes & Brows. Claudia es licenciada en Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad de Palermo en Buenos Aires (Argentina), habla español, inglés y alemán, y ha realizado cursos especializados y exclusivos en extensiones de pestañas y diseño de cejas en Reino Unido, Estados Unidos y Rusia, combinando técnicas europeas, americanas, rusas y asiáticas y creando la marca Mírame, pionera en la expresión de la mirada, a partir de la mejora de pestañas y cejas. Además, Claudia tiene experiencia en comercio exterior y cuentas comerciales.
Mírame Lashes & Brows cuenta además con un grupo de especialistas, todas ellas formadas en extensiones de pestañas una a una y diseño de cejas por Claudia Romero, que cuidan y tratan a cada clienta de manera individualizada.
Tenemos más de 10 años de experiencia en formación en belleza y desde 2016 estamos trabajando la formación online. 2.500 alumn@s han realizado nuestros cursos y puedes ver sus opiniones en cada uno de ellos. Actualmente tenemos una valoración de 9,6 sobre 10. Contarás con vídeos, material en pdf y test para avanzar y adquirir el conocimiento y la técnica.
What is Mírame Academy?
The Online Beauty Training Academy with the most students in Europe and America. Mírame Academy was born from the merger of the academic projects of Mírame Lashes & Brows & Holalash. All courses have video content, pdf documents and quizzes to corroborate knowledge acquisition. In addition, at the end of each course, after passing the final assignment, the student receives the Mírame Academy certificate.
Online Courses
Online Course Eyelash Extensions 1 by 1
The online course includes the option with kit and without kit. Learn the treatment technique step by step in 14 classes at your home. This is the initial basic course to become a professional with high labor demand.
Online Eyebrow Design Course
Introduction to the treatment and everything you need to know to become an expert in Eyebrow Design and Threading. After completing the course, we recommend at least 2 weeks of practice and you can start serving clients by doing the Look at Me Eyebrow Design.
Online Eyelash Lift Course
Introduction to the treatment and everything you need to know to become an eyelash lifting expert. Trendy treatment, with high demand, high profitability and essential to join the working world of beauty.
Live Courses
On site course Eyelash Extensions 1 to 1
This course is aimed at people who have no prior knowledge, where the only essential requirement will be your desire to learn. By signing up for this 8-hour course at the Mírame salon you want, take the Classic Eyelash Extensions Kit 1 to 1 Mírame as a gift.
On site Eyebrow Design Course
In just 4 hours with a master Look at me, stylist at Miradas you will learn: Introduction to treatment, advice and the oldest and healthiest hair removal technique. Waxing with Thread. After completing the course, we recommend at least 2 weeks of practice and you can start serving clients by doing the Look at Me Eyebrow Design
On site Eyelash Lifting course
If you want to become a look styling professional and don't know where to start, this is the course that will motivate you to be part of our Look at Me Artist list. In this course we will teach you the step by step of eyelash lifting, you will learn its benefits, care and tricks. Look at me to make your lifting even more special.
Lessons with videos, pdf documents, test and final assignment
Advisory support by whatsapp if you need it
Mírame Academy Certificate
With the kit option receive it at home in 24h (Spain) and 10 days (other countries)
Our students rate us at 9.6 out of 10
More than 2,500 students trained.
Leaders in Europe
Lessons with videos, pdf documents, test and final assignment
Advisory support by whatsapp if you need it
Mírame Academy Certificate
More than 2,500 students trained. Leaders in Europe
With the kit option receive it at home in 24h (Spain) and 10 days (other countries)
Our students rate us at 9.6 out of 10
We have appeared in:
We have appeared in:
Claudia Romero - CEO of Mírame Lashes & Brows.
Claudia Romero is the CEO of Mírame Lashes & Brows. Claudia has a degree in Public Relations from the University of Palermo in Buenos Aires (Argentina), speaks Spanish, English and German, and has taken specialized and exclusive courses in eyelash extensions and eyebrow design in the United Kingdom, United States and Russia, combining European, American, Russian and Asian techniques and creating the Mírame brand, a pioneer in the expression of the gaze, based on the improvement of eyelashes and eyebrows. In addition, Claudia has experience in foreign trade and commercial accounts.
Mírame Lashes & Brows also has a group of specialists, all of them trained in eyelash extensions one by one and eyebrow design by Claudia Romero, who take care of and treat each client individually.
We have more than 10 years of experience in beauty training and since 2016 we are working on online training. 2.500 students have taken our courses and you can see their opinions in each one of them. We currently have a rating of 9.6 out of 10. You will have videos, pdf documents and tests to advance and acquire the knowledge and technique.
Each online course is divided into different chapters and is usually completed in one week, although we recommend practicing with at least 3 models before presenting the final assignment, which will give you the chance to get your certificate.
In the course we will explain exactly what tools and materials you need to practice. You can buy these products in our online store or if you prefer you can buy them in any store in your area as long as they are specific products for the treatment and with optimal quality standards.
You will receive an email with a link to access the course for 6 months. Our recommendation is that you start the practice when you master the technique and all the procedures at a theoretical level are integrated. However, if you want to do all the chapters on the same day and start practicing from there, you can also do it.
In this link you can see the price of the course in the currencies of all the countries (write the amount to be converted depending on whether you have chosen the course without kit or with kit, choose EUR-Euro as the currency of origin and as the currency of your country: https://themoneyconverter.com/ES/) In the Spanish version of www.mirameacademy.com all the prices are in euros, while in the English version all the prices are in American dollars.
Yes, you can pay for the course by bank transfer or by paypal from your payment page, after you have added the course to your shopping cart.