Do you know the Jelly Fish by Naturalium?

To understand how to solve bags and dark circles, we should first know why they occur. The bags under the eyes are due to fluid retention (edema) or the growth and herniation of fat formations that exist in the eye area.

As for the dark circles under the eyes, these depend on a special morphological arrangement, which added to having very thin skin, show the accumulation of blood, darkening the area under the eyes. Usually when we sleep little these are accentuated, because the lack of sleep dilates the blood vessels, and also age is a determining factor because this happens more regularly.

Once we know the reasons why these appear, we will explain how the products that solve them immediately and for a few hours are and why this happens.

Usually these anti-bags and anti-dark circles products contain gels and decongestant active ingredients, which when applied to the area where we have the dark circles and bags, reduce them and in some cases eliminate them for hours.

At Mírame we are specialists in the look and we have tried many of these products, and after that we take into account two determining factors:

1-The product’s natural composition
2 – That the immediate effect it causes in our bags and dark circles is also natural

And we have the opportunity to offer a special price on limited units of the new Jelly Fish by Naturalium with 100% natural ingredients, which has immediate effect as you can see in the video that appears in the product sheet at

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